Setting & Context

My growth over the course of the practicum is in large part due to the setting in which it took place, and the context that surrounded me and my students.  The characteristics I have developed as a teacher have been influenced by my immersion in a virtual classroom, the unique attributes Jacob Hiatt demonstrates as a school, and the attributes of the Main South community as well as the larger Worcester community.

The Clark University MAT program offered a rigorous student-teaching experience that included a gradual increase of responsibility throughout the practicum, culminating in a take-over of the class in which I worked for the entire school year.  Together with the community in which this practicum took place, the thorough approach to teacher instruction developed by the MAT practicum have greatly influenced my identity and strengths as an educator.

Please visit the subsections “Classroom,” “School,” “Community,” and “Curriculum Responsibilities” for more specific information about the characteristics and impact of each.