Professional & Community Resources

In my time as part of the Clark MAT program, I had the enjoyment and opportunity to become parts of both the Clark University community and the Jacob Hiatt Magnet School community. These communities not only provided me the tools and resources, but personal connections necessary for successful planning, teaching, and growing as an elementary teacher. 

Clark University

One of the most important resources for me at Clark was my university mentor, Holly Dolan. Holly was my personal mentor, Jacob Hiatt’s connection, professor, and more. She was always supportive and held me to higher expectations than I had for myself. She was there to answer any question I had about my practice, schoolwork, licensure, or anything else. Her regular observations of my teaching were important to me because she was able gain more context for my individual classroom and all the nuances it had. These visits accompanied with feedback helped me continue to refine and improve my teaching practice, and make sure that I was teaching in ways which were effective and meaningful for my students.  She never hesitated to advocate for me and my wants and needs. She helped me grow into a teacher who is confident in her skills but always ready to improve upon them. 

Another crucial resource to my teaching this past year was the Curriculum Lab in the Education Department at Clark. This room held a wealth of knowledge and resources such as children’s literature, leveled readers, multiple copies of chapter books, manipulatives, all carefully organized by topic or author. It also allowed me to make colorful copies and print resources I created to use in my small-group or with the entire class. This room was also an important place for elementary MATs to gather and work, sharing knowledge and ideas but also emotional support. I valued every minute I spent in there.

In addition, I benefited from the support, encouragement, and knowledge of my other professors in the program. Carmen Ocón and Annie Cohn were tremendous resources for me. Both brought such a range of experiences and specific understandings about the ins and outs of Clark, the MAT program, and Jacob Hiatt. Carmen was nurturing and supportive and expanded my understandings of language and literacy. Annie brought life into class and always made us smile. Her experience with technology, specifically Google Classroom, has become the most relevant skill as I continue teaching during Covid-19. I am a much more well-rounded and encompassing teacher and person for knowing them and learning with them. 

Jacob Hiatt Magnet School

My greatest resource at Jacob Hiatt Magnet School was my mentor teacher Jennifer Conlon. As an elementary teacher for over twenty years, and a mentor teacher for over ten, she was ready to help me and our sixteen students flourish.  Throughout the year, Jen constantly provided me with helpful feedback, support, and resources.  With a classroom overflowing with diverse children’s literature, Jen always knew exactly where to find the right books to enhance my lessons.  As I grew as an educator over the year, Jen was always supporting me and pushing me to always seek to improve my practice. Now, as we conclude this year virtually, she has given me access to our class via Google Classroom and Zoom meetings. She never ceases to consider me and offer more ways to co-teach together. I could not have asked for a better mentor teacher to work alongside during my initial year developing as a teacher.

I was also greatly supported by the other staff at Jacob Hiatt. Tara Gouin and Kathy Halloran, the other teachers on our second grade team, were great resources to get new ideas from. They were always ready to open their rooms up to me and support me in my teaching. Our principal, Jyoti Datta, and vice principal, Martha Dewar, continuously showed their support in my teaching throughout the year through their interactions with my students and with me.  The community at JHMS was so welcoming that I felt like part of the team from the start, which making my experience at Jacob Hiatt so meaningful to me.