Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment

The teacher promotes the learning and growth of all students by providing high-quality and coherent instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an ongoing basis, and continuously refining learning objectives.

Indicator I-A. Curriculum & Planning
Knows the subject matter well, has a good grasp of child development and how students learn, and designs effective and rigorous standards based units of instruction consisting of well-structured lessons with measurable outcomes.

1A.4: Well-Structured Lessons

Develops well-structured and highly engaging lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping to attend to every student’s needs. Is able to model this element.


Indicator I-B. Assessment
Uses a variety of informal and formal methods of assessments to measure student learning, growth, and understanding to develop differentiated
and enhanced learning experiences and improve future instruction.

1B.2: Adjustment to Practice

Organizes and analyzes results from a comprehensive system of assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and frequently uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement appropriate differentiated interventions and enhancements for individuals and groups of students and appropriate modifications of lessons and units. Is able to model this element.


Indicator I-C. Analysis
Analyzes data from assessments, draws conclusions, and shares them appropriately.
