Teacher Professional Standards (Massachusetts)

The Professional Standards for Teachers in Massachusetts define the pedagogical and other professional knowledge and skills required of all teachers. These Standards are used by teacher preparation providers in preparing their candidates, by the Department in reviewing programs seeking state approval, and by the Department as the basis of performance assessments of candidates. Candidates shall demonstrate that they meet the Professional Standards by passing a performance assessment :

  1. in the practicum phase of preparation for the Initial License,
  2. as part of the Performance Assessment Program option for earning the Professional license, and
  3. as one option for re-licensure during each five-year cycle after the Professional license is obtained

The Department will issue guidelines for each type of performance assessment to reflect differences in growth in professional knowledge and skills.

The Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP)

CAP assesses a teacher candidate’s readiness in relation to the Professional Standards for Teachers. CAP parallels the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation system in order to better prepare teacher candidates and ensure that they are ready to be effective on day one. It measures teacher candidates’ practice across a range of key indicators as outlined in the Guidelines for the Professional Standards for Teachers and supports them in improving their practice based on the results.

CAP assesses candidate performance on six elements: Well-Structured Lessons, Adjustment to Practice, Meeting Diverse Needs, Safe Learning Environment, High Expectations, and Reflective Practice. 

You can learn more about the CAP process here