Performance Assessments


My students were assessed by how effective their bridges were but also the process and journey they took to make their final bridges. Students Engineering packets allowed me to assess their abilities to draw diagrams, fill in data into charts, write reflections, and use relevant vocabulary. Students will be assessed on how they collaborate and work together for designing and constructing their bridges. They know that I expect them to share ideas, share materials, and share the work. They will be self-assessing their collaboration efforts at the end of the unit but it will be guiding my instruction throughout each lesson. 


Students will know the criteria for good work in completion. I will be explaining which sections are to be completed each lesson and I will provide examples by modelling. It is known that if students do not complete steps in the EDP they will have to complete those steps before moving onto the next ones. This means that they know they have to complete their work each day otherwise they will not get to do the next exciting part of the project until they finish. This is their accountability. I also expect them to be sharing work and collaborating. This is also modeled by me and my mentor teacher daily. Students know what they need to do each day to move forward in the project and also know I will not accept work that was done by one person alone. 
