Performance Assessments


My main assessments in this unit are that all students complete the quick check associated with the previous day’s lesson at the beginning of meeting. I use this data to decide who needs a reteaching intervention and who would benefit from an extension or challenge. I also expect each student to complete their respective worksheet(s) or assignment(s) daily as well. This is how I will monitor who is benefitting from the activities and who needs more support.

For example, if a student does well on the quick check and tries the enrichment activity but gets it all wrong, I know that that individual needs more scaffolding or more direct support and a conversation about what is going on before sending them along. Dividing into groups does not have to be an even split. If everyone in the class is succeeding and achieving the learning goals then I will provide all students with the Enrichment. If the whole class does poorly on the quick check, instead of everyone doing the reteaching intervention, I will go back and reteach the whole lesson to clear up any misconceptions or unclear ideas. I will also assess their cumulative knowledge at the end with the paper and online assessments provided by EnVisions. We will be completing the assessment in the workbooks as a review and the final online topic assessment required by the city will be a form of final assessment. 


Students will have the math meeting schedule posted on the white board everyday and know what to turn in and the timing expected for completion. Students know that I need them to transition effectively so that they can get to all the work they need to do. They know I expect them to try their best on the quick checks and that most of the work in this unit is independent or quiet group work. Students know I will be reviewing their work to better help them every day get better at math. We will go over expectations and goals in the brief meeting before I send them off to work. 

I will let parents know about their students’ work in math through the newsletter sent out monthly. I will also be giving my students extra worksheets or challenges if they want. This will look different than the typical math book papers that go home. If students want to push themselves at home too, they are more than welcome to bring home the Common Core reviews and any extra work they did not get to finish in class. I will also be sending home login information so that they can all access the games we play online at home either on phones, tablets, or computers.