Learning about the physical world around us can give our lives so much more context, control, and meaning. Not only is engineering a state standard for science, but I also believe that it is important for 7 year olds to have some context and beginning understandings of how and why things are made. It is such an inquisitive age, rich for probing curiosity. I see my role as contextualizing that curiosity and giving vocabulary to that curiosity. With those skills, I believe life will take them far!
At such a richly inquisitive and energetic age, this unit is also imperative to creating a classroom that is curious about space and has a sense of how to manipulate materials. Although many 7 year olds may be quite brilliant thinkers, it is an important time in life to contextualize their understanding.
This unit is an exciting way to shift classroom culture around curiosity, willingness and excitement to work in groups, and general material awareness.