Portrait II Overview


With my immigration unit I tried to perfect what I had began doing in my sports unit. Reinforcing foundational aspects of Spanish, while at the same time challenging students with thoughtful challenging curriculum.

In this unit I have pushed students to really develop their writing and presentation skills, as we are expressing our own stories and opinions much of the time.

Grammatically we covered: Past tense, prepositions, Comparatives and Superlatives, and Conjugation.

Some of the topics Covered:

-How did you end up in Worcester- Tracing our migratory patterns.

-The presidential race- What is each candidates stance, and which do you agree with most.

-La Barda- Documentary on the border wall with subsequent debate on its merits.

-Migrant poems

-Sin Nombre – Movie on Central American migration

Learning Goals:

My key learning goals for this unit are further discussed in my Growth & Learning section.

In this unit I really tried to connect with a topic that is on everyone’s mind, especially the students from such a diverse schools (Third most diverse school in Massachusetts). We explored our stories of migration, where our parents came from, was it push or pull factors, what brought you to Worcester. We also tried to really shed a light on what are the facts and implications behind the policies of certain presidential candidates, and whether or not they would be effective.