Tag Archives: sexuality

Editing “A Discourse on Fornication”

For the 18th century archival project, my group edited a piece titled “A Discourse on Fornication: Showing the Greatness of that Sin; and Examining the Excuses pleased for it, from the Examples of Ancient Times” by J. Turner. According to the title page, J. Turner was a Church lecturer, and this pamphlet was printed at the request of the churchgoers. It is likely that this was a  sermon that J. Turner gave, and afterwards the members of the parish wanted a copy of it for further study. The printing press would be the only efficient way to distribute this lecture. This information also suggests that Turner is writing for a very small audience that he knows well and shares religious beliefs with. This text explores the roles of concubines in the Bible and has a conservative approach to marriage, divorce, and sexuality. According to Turner, only first marriages are legitimate. If a person were to divorce and remarry, they would be committing adultery. However, “they mention of Abraham, and Jacob, and Solomon, and Jephtha that had Concubines and yet they are Characterized in Scripture for Good Men, and highly favour’d of God” (Turner 15). The inclusion of concubines and second wives in the Bible complicate Turner’s assertion that only first marriages are legitimate, since these sins did not diminish the greatness of ancient kings and prophets. While concubines exist in the Bible, Turner’s final assertion is that people should abstain from fornication, that marriage should be upheld, and God will deal with the adulterers and prostitutes (Turner 33). These three claims reaffirms the beliefs on marriage that would have been held by his audience at the church he was reading this to.

According to Roy Porter’s work English Society in the 18th Century, double standards for wives regarding adultery and divorce were both socially acceptable and part of the legal institution. A man could have an affair without it tarnishing his reputation while a woman could be ruined for being adulterous. For legal purposes, it was extremely important that women remain loyal to their husbands because their infidelity could create a false heir (Porter 25). Porter also points out that this double standard was also supported in divorce laws because “a wife’s adultery was ground enough in law for divorce, but not vice versa” (Porter 25). Turner pushes against this by emphasizing the spiritual importance of both husbands and wife remaining loyal in their marriage.  For Turner, the inclusion of concubines and second wives in the Bible do not support Christian men having extramarital sexual relations. While this argument does suggest a kind of equality, it also eliminates any possibility for divorce which could be disastrous for men and women alike. Divorce already was seldom granted and only under extreme circumstances which did not include abuse, and Turner’s argument takes it this even further.

After reading Turner’s speech, I was wondering what his alternatives to divorce were. It is overly optimistic to assume that everyone will have a loving or even mutually respectful marriage, especially during the eighteenth century when women were regarded as property. As a twenty-first century, largely secular individual, it seems overly cruel to mandate that a person must stay in an awful marriage out of fear of offending God. If an individual were to get divorced and live a life of celibacy, would that be a suitable solution since there would be no “adulterous” fornication? This would be extremely hard to enforce, and would probably only work under if the divorced individuals entered a community like a monastery. Turner also does not explore annulment as an option for ending marriage, though it may be more suitable since this decision comes from a church figure rather than a legal entity. Annulment could also be suitable because it erases a marriage rather than legally separating the couple. Turner uses many Biblical examples to build and defend his argument against divorce, and knows how to appeal to his religious audience. However, his argument is not practical enough to have an impact on the larger society who may not share the same religious beliefs. While it took many years for it to become more equal and accessible to men and women, divorce laws were eventually reformed to reflect the societal need to get out of marriages. Turner makes a sound argument, but an ultimately impossible one because he does not consider the reality of the state of 18th-century marriages.


Works Cited:

Porter, Roy. English Society in the Eighteenth Century. Second Ed. New York: Penguin. 1990. Print.

Turner, J. “A Discourse on Fornication: Showing the Greatness of that Sin; and Examining the Excuses pleaded for it, from the Examples of Ancient Times”.  London. 1698. 18thConnect. Web. Accessed April 2016.

A Discourse on Fornication Analytical Response

“A Discourse on Fornication” Response

John Turner’s 1698 text “A Discourse on Fornication” uses Biblical references to center its argument around Christianity and immoral sexual behavior. Similar to other texts regarding sexuality in the eighteenth century, “A Discourse on Fornication” focuses its attention on identifying the deviancy of sexual behavior. Turner goes as far as labeling sexual activity outside of the institution of marriage as an ultimate sin. The text creates its argument by comparing acts of men against God’s “Original Institution”, emphasizing that adultery and fornication violate the Christian ideals of good, and fornicators are refusing their chances at the pure and holy life.

The argument cements itself around the works of God and His approval: there is no discussion of societal assumptions of gender or sex, but an in-depth look at God’s proposed plan and man’s ability to follow his word. Turner blames man’s downfall on their ability to succumb to vice: “the looseness of men’s manners has corrupted their judgments, and defaced their sense of good evil”. Nothing can fall between, no one can be in a purgatory of morality: one is either good, or evil, and sexual deviance leaves you to the “humiliation of God”.

The language of the text is loaded with statements that emphasize patriarchal power structures. Turner speaks on the foul nature of adultery, “especially on the woman’s side, where there is a manifest injury to the whole family”. Women are not seen as their own, but as vehicles that carry their families and are therefore responsible for their moral uplift—or downfall.

Turner’s discourse places emphasis on traditional heterosexual institutions of marriage. It is reiterated through the text that man’s body is not his to own, but it is a possession of God, and one must conduct themselves through the principles of God. Women’s bodies are commodities under male possession and must give themselves to men and become “one flesh”. There is no idea of bodily autonomy; one’s body is not just theirs to own and conduct, but it is a “Servant of God” and must be used to carry out his deeds; bodies are not for individual pleasure, but for servicing those above you:

Christ was raised from the Dead, that he might raise us also to Immortality: and therefore we are bound not to live unto our selves, by giving up our Bodies to Pleasure in the Lusts of the Flesh; but to devote our selves to the Service of that Great God who made us, and to the Obedience of Christ, who died to expiate our Guilt.

Christian morals often center themselves around guilt and the duty of man to obey and service Christ. Man’s existence is validated by spreading the word of God and following the ‘right’ path. By using the Old Testament as the basis of his arguments, all of Turner’s points are his own reconstruction of biblical literature, and how he perceives God’s word: “We are commanded also to be Holy; and Holiness is expressly declared to be that qualification without which no Man shall see the Lord”. There is no salvation if there is no obedience.  Turner strongly emphasizes the evil of all vices, but the language surrounding sexuality places sexual activity in a negative light, deeming it impure and vile. The text stigmatizes sex and any sort of lustful behavior, referring to sexual activity as “vile affection”. Desire is viewed condition under strict religious rule—it is viewed as a problem, not a feeling.

Turner relates vice to uncleanliness; those who indulge their pleasures are not clean to the eyes of God and his disciples:

He becomes in every sence polluted and defiled.*Every other Sin that a Man doth is without the Body, but he that committeth Fornication sinneth against his own Body. The Prophane is injurious to God, and the Fraudulent to his Brother, and the Mischief of all other Sins falls first at a distance from ones self. But the Mischief of Fornication falls more immediately on the Offenders own Head; his own Body is debased in the very Trespass he has committed.

Those who succumb to sexual vices are “Harlots, Jezebels, and Whoremongers” who will be denied entrance to God’s kingdom. To sin against the body is to commit an ultimate crime: one is sinning against the gift that God has given you.

The article “A Discourse on Fornication” gave clear insights into the opinions on sexual deviancy during the eighteenth century. As noted in some of the texts we read for class, such as Trumbach and Harvey, the enlightenment was allowing for more leniency regarding the culture around sexuality, but the prevailing ideas of proper sexuality in Christian religions shaped popular notions of morality and created a discourse around sexuality that emphasized it as shameful behavior.

Works Cited

Butler, John. “A Discourse on Fornication”. London, 1698.