I was in Zambia a few weeks ago, working with colleagues at the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) on new projects [1, 2, 3]. I spent part of my time setting up PulsePods (the fantastic tool being developed by my colleagues Adam Wolf, Kelly Caylor, Ben Siegfried, and Eric Wood) at a few trial sites, in preparation for larger scale deployments that will happen next year. The pods provide in-field measurements, returned via cell phone SMS, of crop growth and micrometeorology, and will provide key data for scaling up model-derived crop yield estimates to crop to larger extents. Below are a few photos from deployments at ZARI and near Chirundu along the Zimbabwe border (and near the confluence of the Kafue and Zambezi Rivers), with Sesele Sokotela and Stalin Sichinga of ZARI, and with Muke Mukelabai (and colleagues) at the Zambia Meteorological Department.