
Nicole Overstreet

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark UniversityI have been at Clark University since Fall 2014. I received my BA from Smith College and I earned my MA and PhD in social psychology from the University of Connecticut. I continued my work on the intersection of social and health psychology as a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS.

I am passionate about eradicating health inequities via critical theoretical perspectives that advance social justice, equity, and liberation. My program of research uses intersectionality and community-based participatory research methods to examine how interlocking systems of power (e.g., racism, sexism, gendered racism) affect marginalized communities, particularly Black girls and women. My service and activism work centers practices of power and healing for Black girls and women. My teaching and mentorship provide opportunities for students to engage intersectionality as critical inquiry and critical praxis, and allows students to apply an intersectional framework to social issues such as stigma and health disparities. Moreover, my courses provide students with a strong foundation for critiquing how power dynamics operate within psychology to influence our understanding of these social issues.

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